
Northwest News Channel 8
Northwest News Channel 8 & AP Staff
PHOENIX -- The wait is on for Arizona leaders, competing with Oregon and other states to land a major economic development project tied to Intel.

Arizona has agreed to give income tax relief to Intel Corp. and other manufacturers but only in exchange for substantial new investment in the state in the next 2 1/2 years.
Governing Magazine
One of Governor Janet Napolitano’s first actions, upon taking office early in 2003, was to set up extensive “Efficiency Reviews” of several state agencies. The reviews were based on a process implemented by Ann Richards in Texas in the early 1990s. Napolitano had predicted some $300 million in efficiency savings in the first year alone.

East Valley Tribune
Le Templar
Conservative Republicans will start flexing their newly found political muscles when the regular state legislative session begins Monday.

Republican lawmakers, bolstered by surprising success in the 2004 elections, are crafting a conservative strategy that conflicts with Gov. Janet Napolitano’s victories from the first half of her four-year term.
Capitol Media Services
Howard Fischer
There’s a flip side to the decision by the two top taxwriting lawmakers to focus their attention on reducing business property taxes: Other tax cuts become less important.

And that’s bad news for some of the state’s largest employers who have been hoping for a major change in the corporate income tax structure.

Rep. Steve Huffman, R-Tucson, and Sen. Dean Martin, R-Phoenix, said there will be multiple tax-cut proposals introduced this year. They may even sign on as sponsors.
Tucson Citizen
Doug Virgil is raking in awards, and well he should. As assistant superintendent in the Phoenix-area Alhambra Elementary School District, Virgil launched an energy conservation program that has reaped sizable savings.

The program has saved the district more than $250,000 over the past 18 months and is expected to save taxpayers more than $290,000 a year, the Arizona Tax Research Association says.

The association gave Virgil its Good Government Award last week. The Governor's Office and the Arizona Department of Commerce also honored Vigil and his district.
The Capitol Times
Jim Small
Two lawmakers told a gathering of business representatives and legislators that the best opportunity for the state to reduce corporate taxes is now, and they plan to introduce legislation that would attract more businesses and high-paying jobs to the state.

“In the next two to three years, you will see some of the largest tax relief packages ever passed out of the Legislature,” Sen. Dean Martin, R-6, told the attendees of the Arizona Tax Research Association’s Outlook Conference on Nov. 19. Mr. Martin is the chairman of the Senate Finance Committee.
The Arizona Republic
Laurie Roberts
It is, we are told, a "balanced regional approach." A "rare opportunity."

I don't know about you, but whenever the power set tells me I have a "rare opportunity" I reach for my wallet - mostly to see if it's still there.

It seems our leaders approach the public pocketbook as a starving man approaches an all-you-can-eat buffet.

Actually, I understand that cravings for cash gnaw at the stomach of every self-respecting politician. But I wonder if we will ever satisfy their appetite for our money.

Capitol Media Services
Howard Fischer
More than 200,000 teachers and university, state and local employees are going to see their latest pay hikes wiped out with a 50 percent hike in what they have to pay into the mandatory state retirement system next year.

Rich Stephenson, deputy director of the Arizona State Retirement System, said workers will have to contribute 7.75 percent of their pay beginning July 1 to keep the fund financially sound, up from 5.2 percent. He said that is because of a poor stock market performance as well as legislatively mandated benefit increases, particularly for long-term employees.
Tucson Citizen
Congratulations to U.S. Sen. John McCain, who was presented with the Watchdog Award this week by the Arizona Tax Research Association.

Arizona Republic columnist Robert Robb presented the award in recognition of McCain's "no-holds-barred fight against pork and wasteful spending."

McCain said, "Fighting wasteful spending in Washington is often a very lonely battle, so your recognition and support mean a great deal to me."

ATRA President Kevin McCarthy cited McCain's "diligent opposition to the wasteful and frivolous spending of taxpayers' dollars."
Arizona Republic
Tom Zoellner
Maricopa County's offer to pay the state $30 million in exchange for new tax referendums is a deal that appears to be without recent precedent in American governmental history.

The county is offering to help Arizona with its deficit crisis with a one-time gift of $30 million. In exchange, it wants permission from the state to ask voters to extend a one-fifth of a cent jail tax to the year 2027, as well as a sales tax referendum to fund a new hospital district and integrated health care system.